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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Unable to detect Nexus 7 in developer mode in windows 8.1

I was doing some developement for Android tablet the developement environment was as given below:
OS: Windows 8.1, 64 bit
IDE: Android Studio
and wanted to test it on a physical tablet rather than a emulator so I connected my nexus 7 2012 model to my laptop then decided to turn on the debugging mode and the challenges came up

1) Developer Options was not to be seen in the settings menu:
   It seems you need to go to settings > About Tablet > Build and click on the build 7 times to enable the developer options. Wow its very developer friendly, how would anyone go ahead and figure that out, HTC inturn has a clear menu for developer option without having to do any of this circus.

2) ADB not detecting the device:
    I enabled all the debugging options that I required and looked for the pop up which will enable my system to be used for debugging, it did not come up. Went to command prompt and using the adb (command : "adb devices") decided to list all the devices available for the test and it showed none.

    I went to the device manager to check the list of all devices and the image below shows my Nexus 7 and there was a warning sign next to it (as shown in the image below) which meant that either my driver was not updated or my driver was not present.

So went to the link -> Driver and downloaded the usb driver and extracted it, then I clicked on Nexus 7 and did a right click to update the driver, then clicked on browse my computer and went to the folder in which I had recently extracted the google usb driver for windows. Once it is done you will get a pop up on your nexus 7 which will ask for your permission to allow the computer to connect to your tablet, check the checkbox to always allow from the computer and click on OK. Once it is done you can execute the adb devices in the command prompt and you will see the device listed as shown in the image below.

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