Finally we are all set to get started with a development of
a simple app. All of us usually start off with hello world which is kind of
boring and also helps you a little apart from giving you the happiness of
creating your simple app. So this app is
all about displaying the Google maps on your mobile, although you have a Google
map application in your mobiles which has more options its gives you the
happiness of creating your own Google map app ;).
So the
pre requisites are –
1) Google API’s – These contain all the libraries which you
will be using in this app. In order to obtain this,
a) click
on the” Windows “in Eclipse and click on Android SDK and AVD manager.
b) Click
on Available Packages and click on Third Party Add-Ons. As show below.
c) Select
Google API’s Android API 8 Version 2.Once it is done your installed packages should look like the
2) Obtaining Google Map API Key – This is a key for
developers to register with the service.
To obtain this you need to have your own private key or you
can use can use the debug.keystore. We will use the debug.keystore for
now. This is usually located in
Then in command prompt go to the java folder and go to
/JDK<version>/bin and execute the following command “keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore <path_to_debug_keystore>.keystore -storepass android -keypass
Once you do this you will get a MD5 finger print as shown
Once you have got the MD5 finger print, go to the following
link Google API Signup
to get the API key.
In the next part we will learn about the logic and also
start coding our app.
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