A ViewFlipper is used to animate the movement between 2 or more different views. This is generally used to improve the visual and make the app appear smooth.
So in this post I have created a small and simple app using
the ViewFlipper control. The flow of the app is given below –
1) The first screen will have a text indicating the screen
on which the user is present and it will have a button through which the user
can go to the second screen.
2) When the user clicks on the button in screen 1 the first
screen will move to right and the second screen will move in from left.
3) The second screen will be similar to the first screen but
the button will redirect the user to the first screen.
If you haven’t got the flow, go to the bottom of the post
where I have included the snapshot of the output.
Now lets get on with the coding part. Create a new project,
once you have created a new project you need to create a new folder in res (resource)
call it anim (you can name the folder anything you like. Here I have named it as
anim). In this folder create new xml files which will define the animation of
the screen. Create 2 new xml called transition_in_left and transition_out_left.
Ok here I will deviate from the topic a bit, since we need
to understand what animation is all about.
As you know animation is making simple transformation or loading of
different images to make an object livelier. In android there are 2 kinds of
animation \
1) Property Animation – Creates animation by modifying the
property of the image.
2) View Animation – Creates animation by showing sequence of
image in sequence.
In this post I am using View animation, which in turn has 2
1) Tween Animation – Animation by performing series of
transformation on an image.
2) Frame Animation – Animation by showing sequence of images
in a particular order.
In this post I will be using Tween animation and will use
the translate property of it, given below is a very brief description of the
It has 4 main elements,
1) alpha – provides fade in and fade out animations.
2) scale – provides the ability to increase or decrease the size.
3) translate – provides the ability to make horizontal or
vertical movement.
4) rotate – provides the ability to rotate the image
So open the transition_in_left.xml file and use the code
below. The below code will case the screen to move from left to right as you
can see the fromdelta value changes from -100% to 0.
<?xml version="1.0"
android:duration="500" />
Similarly create open another xml file transition_in_left.xml
and add the property as shown below –
<?xml version="1.0"
android:duration="500" />
Now that we are done with the definition of the animator,
lets define the main layout. Open main.xml layout in resà layout folder. Remove the existing
text box and add a new textbox which will have a text called “View Flipper Demo”.
Then add the fiew flipper such that it spans the entire length and width of the
screen. Then add the LinearLayout which will have a text which indicates the
screen which you are in and a button which will cause the second screen to
appear with animation. Add one more LinearLayout and add the same contents as
in screen 1.
With the UI and the animation done, we need to add action
part. So go to the src folder and open the java file in it. As you can see the
basic features are already present.
We need to bind the viewflipper, buttons , animations and
assign action to the buttons. The code below does the same
The below code defines the ViewFlipper and buttons used.
ViewFlipper vf=(ViewFlipper) findViewById(R.id.viewFlipper1);
firstScreenButton=(Button) findViewById(R.id.buttonfirstscreen);
secondScreenButton=(Button) findViewById(R.id.buttonsecondscreen);
Then you need to define the animations. The below code does
the same
outanimation=AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.transition_out_left);
Now we need to assign
the animation to in and out movements.
Since we need the animations to appear when button is
clicked we need to assign action to the onClickListener as shown below. In the
below code we assign action to button in Screen1.
firstScreenButton.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View arg0) {
Similarly we need to assign action for the button in
secondScreenButton.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View arg0) {
The entire file will look in the snapshot shown below.
Now run the application in an emulator or a device. When the
application runs the first screen that appears is given below.
Click on the button and you can see the screen 1 appears to
move out and screen 2 appears to move in from left replacing screen1 as shown
Now that you are in screen 2 it will be as shown in the
snapshot shown below. Click on the button and it should take you back to the
first Screen.